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Freeloader - PS2 Xbox 360 Nintendo Hacking Modding PS2 HDLoader This hack will allow you to install just about any hard drive into your playstation 2 and install and play your games, backups right from the hard drive. The original ps2 hard drive can be used as well but I suggest getting a bigger hard drive so you can fit more games on it.
Games played from the hard drive load way faster than if played from the dvd drive, worth the time it takes to do this hack alone! Installing the HDLoader to your memory card! By spuzz Modified by MattMan69.
How to Soft Mod a PS2 Slim By Marshal M. Rosenthal; Updated September 15, 2017. Download a PS2 softmod program to the PC’s desktop, for example, the free “cogswap.elf” program (see the link in Resources). Double-click on the PS2 softmod file once it has downloaded to decompress it to a program on the desktop.
- Cogswap-Loader-v-1.0-by-H http: hilohe-modifikado-y-kompilado-el-cogswaploader319642 Download: The Famous CogSwap by Hermes got a little modifiactition, full source code included.
- SwapOCOem permits to swap the names of two files or folders by either dropping the items onto the applicationOCOs interface or, to enjoy totally seamless name swapping, add SwapOCOem to the Explorer context menu and/or to the Send to menu.Release notes: New Release- FIXED: Regression with sending files from the explorer context menu to Swap'em.
This is a guide I made for another site I frequent. This guide is intended for the PSTwo a.k.a PS2 Slim. There is no software limitation that will stop you from doing this on a old model, but you definitely have to have a flip-top model. What are we essentially doing? Tricking the PS2 into running a disc with a file browser when it thinks its running a game, and loading a filebrowser when it thinks its loading a level.
I'm eventually going to show you how to do it for James Bond: Agent under fire, but with this particular exploit there are other games that you can use. Now go to the EXPLOIT folder and find the DRIVING.ELF. (If you are using a different game, you will have to rename the.elf to what the game requires in the aforementioned list) Right click and go to properties and check out it's size in bytes. Should be the value '877,420'. Go back to Apache, and copy that value into the 'Size' box.
NEVER EVER EVER TOUCH THE LBA EVER Now go to the same menu again, and select update file. Load in your 'DRIVING.ELF' After that, save it, and burn your new iso to a DVD-R with your favorite burning program Now for the hardware part. First thing we are going to do is check if you are going to need to open up your PSTwo. Get a wet paper towel or something that will keep the button depressed and shove it into this hole.

On to the exploit. Now with your sensors blocked, blank memory card and usb stick with the files on it, fire up your ps2 with the Agent under fire disc with the tray open. It should start up like normal, and thats fine.
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When it hits the main menu, quickly swap for the Agent Under Fire that you've previously modded. Its OK if the music stops or the menu skips around a little bit, just as long as you don't take forever in swapping the discs.
Since we've replaced the driving level with a file launcher we have to get to the part of the game that requires driving. You can Action Replay Max a gamesave to a driving level, or play the first 5 minutes of the game. The latter is more recommended because it can be a pain to get that far or find one on the net.
I'm going to warn you though, it will probably be one of the most painful 5 minutes of gaming you EVER endured. Finally, finally we get to the exploit. You will be greeted by a menu such as this. (also not mine, credit to original owner) Select Format MC if you have things on your memory card (exploit can take almost all of it.) If you have formatted, or have a clean card, select Multi-version Install.

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This takes away any compatibility problems with your specific PSTwo, and inserting this memory card into ANY PS2/Two will automatically be modded. For all intents and purposes, your PS2 is now hacked. There are a huge wealth of resources NOTE: IF YOU WANT MORE THAN ONE FREE MCBOOT MEMORY CARD, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE EXPLOIT PER CARD. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT COPY THE FILES OVER. PM me or post in the thread if you guys have any questions.