Ocx Setup.exe Wanscam
Before we start the setup procedure, read the manual, RTFM ( Read The Fucking Manual). No im joking, this manual isn´t really worth reading but nevertheless i´ve uploaded it Now i will explain in several steps how a ethernet and/or wi-fi connection can the established. Information from the manual: NOTE: Factory setting IP is, the http port is 80, the username is admin, the password is 123456. Connect the pc/notebook with a cross-over cable to the ethernet port of the webcam. Change the IP address of your ethernet interface, IP address of your, subnet mask and gateway If your network is already in this subnet 192.168.0.X you can skip step 3.
NEW Wanscam Setup Help!!!! I was trying to access the camera using IE. It accessed it ok but did not show the video as it said I had to install OCX controls. When I tried to download the. Wanscam ip camera software download. More Apple Software Update 84.2MB - Shareware - Apple Software Update is a software tool by Apple that installs the latest version of Apple software. It was originally introduced to Mac users in Mac OS 9. A Windows version has been available since the introduction of iTunes 7.
Open your browser and type and press enter. If you did it correctly, you see the following:. Choose the link and type as user admin and password 123456. View, you are automatically redirect to this page. You see the live picture of the camera. On the right side you can control the rotation of the camera and adjust some settings like resolution and stuff.
You play arround with it and setup whatever fits you best. Network, i recommend to set a fixed ip for the camera based on the ip pool your router adresses. In the second screenshot you see the setup of the wi-fi connection. Alarm, here you can setup some alarms like motion tracking, email setup for automatic sending of an email when an alarm occurs and ftp uploading. I´m only using ftp uploading periodically every 60 seconds as you can see in the second screenshot. Advanced, in this tab you can setup user accounts. I´ve setup an admin account and an guest account.
Multidev settings is only interesting if you have got more than one camera. Maintain, here you see the current versions of firmware and interface running, possibility to update software and a log (mainly user login log). Unfortunately i haven´t found any updates from Wansview for this type of camera.
Please remember that these screenshots were made with firefox browser. If you are using internet explorer, you have to install the active-x plugin first. It offers some more functions like recording or using the microphone. I personally don´t really like the IE and due to the fact that the camera uses an MJPEG stream which IE can´t display i advvise you to use any other browser except IE! If you want to access the webcam from internet, read my two blog entries: Basic setup: More detailed setup based on my network setup. Hi, Wondering if you can help: I followed your instructions above and all is fine to step 4, but when I browse the ip address on the IE I get a message that it cannot be found.
I tried these steps inumerious times with no luck. I have the IP camera connected to the router (BT HOME HUB) wia ethernet cable, the green is blinking and it looks like it is ready but the browsers can’t find it. I run a search for IP addresses in my network and the camera’s IP address is not showing ( this is the IP adresses appearing in the CD that comes with the camera). I tried browsing using the DDNS but it says the cam is off-line.
Please can you help? I had the same problem. It worked the first time I set it up, the next day: nothing, just the “start video failed”. I downloaded Blue Iris, and had some difficulty getting that to work, but it gave me an idea. In IPC Monitor, I deleted the camera, then set it up again with the URL devicename.nwsvr.com(without the ), and the port(I have the camera set to 10380). Saved it, pressed start, and voila!
There it was! I think the software automatically adds the , which probably led to it not reaching the DDNS server.
Hope this helps you and others. Hello, I want to add some value here with my experience. I use mainly Linux and Mac, and I has issues with the existing firmware (the one that came with camera) as it would not show the proper interface, only the so called “mobile” one in any browser under the above mentioned OS. With this “mobile” interface you have very limited options to control camera and no option to configure alarms or anything else.

Then I went to at the Demo1 for NC541W I saw that they have another version for Device Embeded Web UI Version: Mine was something older with 0.7.x.x I could find the firmware on their webpage at: I did the Device Embedded Web UI upgrade and it’s working fine. I don’t know how my device had that old version as I just bought it. Anyway maybe somebody will find this useful as I was looking like crazy to solve this problems.
Thanks for this – I had already done that. Under Virtual Servers, I added two items there, both are the internal IP address of my web cam ( for all protocol. The only difference between the two that I had was one was port 80, the other port 8080. I think only the port 80 is needed, but had both in there nonetheless Under Port triggering, I added in the trigger port to be 8080 and incoming port to be 80 (for all protocol) Under DMZ, I enabled the DMZ host’s IP address to be same as my webcam’s Under UPnP, I also enabled it and I see my camera on the UPnP settings list – however, it maps from port 80 to port 80 (not 8080 to 80 – what I want).
I tried to disabled and re-enable this – but then the list now no longer show my camera on the list. Once I do all this, I go to the link (port checking) and see that Port 8080 is still not open. I also tried and could not open page either. Thanks for the two options. I tried both of them – and it didn’t work 1) Changed webcam port to 8081 via web cam software. Updated DMZ IP to camera IP on router software – then tried. I just check via, port 8081 is still not open (i.e.
Closed) 2) Same result (port showing as not open when checking that tool) FYI, I have set up my router to include both DMZ and virtual servers. Hope this is not what is screwing it up. One more question. For my router software, there are three options. 3G preferred, 3G only, WAN preferred, WAN only. I am currently set at 3G only. Do I need to change it to WAN preferred or something else?
Naiboo – I have assigned a fixed adress to the IP camera and have set the camera at port 1025. I enabled port forwarding on my router; I I have enable Upnp in my router and checked the box “Using UPnP to Map Port” in the camera “UPnP Settings”. Using it shows that port 1025 is open and port 80 blocked. When I type the “Manufacture’s Domain” ie., (002icnw.nwsvr.com) in the browser I get the message “Internet explorer cannot display the webpage” (Again I have no problems accessing the camera on any computers in my LAN by typing the camera ip address with the port # in the browser address bar, ie., Any suggestion as to what I am doing wrong? Discovered the DNS must be correct or email will not work- the test just sits there indicating “test” untill you close it. Then everything is frozen untill the unit resets itself.
The test should display “test” for a couple seconds and then reads “test success!”. With the correct DNS numbers, gmail smtp works fine. I couldn’t get the command, in terminal, to display the network numbers (on my Macbook) so rebooted in Windows and typed ‘ipconfig /all’ in the command prompt window. This gives all numbers you ever wanted and more. Hope this helps some other poor soul who gets in this bind and doesn’t have to slave for days trying to figure it out! Great blog by the way. Without details of your email server, it is difficult to give precise instructions.
Entries in the camera are pretty much self explanatory except I know gmail is funny in that the SMTP User (your user name) must include @gmail.com or what ever your email address at gmail is. Some gmail is @company.org if your company uses gmail. The TLS or STARTTLS is the same as SSL.
Your email provider gives very detailed instructions on what they require for setting up ports, SSL, and server names. I found (and posted above- 11 April) that no matter how I set up email or what provider I used, email did not work until I properly set the DNS address. In a Windows PC you can enter ipconfig in the cmd window and you will see all the addresses in your machine. In a Mac, there is supposed to be a command you can enter in terminal but I have not been able to get that to work. Before discovering the correct DNS was the answer, I was able to view the camera from outside my network, so, I suspect you have to have this set correctly as well. Mike, thanks for the information thus far.
When you say “proper DNS”are you referring to “smtp.gmail.com”? If so, this is the value I am setting. Am I supposed to add something like “I wouldn’t think so because that is not the normal protocol.but, can’t say because nothing has worked thus far.
I have tried to use a gmail smtp and a road runner smtp that I have. Both configurations don’t seem to connect because when I test, the html page only displays “test” and then times out. I was originally thinking that maybe something was blocking these SMTP requests from leaving my LAN but then again, the same SMTP configuration works in another camera I have. I have two cameras that have this SMTP problem so I don’t think there is defective hardware.I think I am just missing a step somewhere. Can you please outline, step-by-step, with values, etc on how you are implementing gmail setup. I would greatly appreciate the help.
Hi John, you will need to set the correct DNS address in the network setting of the camera. I do not have the menu in front of me but it should be in the same area as the IP, Gateway, etc. I do not know if a blank DNS value would work but I do know I had the same problem as you (right down to the ‘test.’) and my DNS was set the same as my Gateway. I tried everything without any result- thought maybe I had a defective camera. I started looking up the difference between the Gatway address and DNS address just on a whim. I found my DNS value, entered it, and suddenly it worked. I was shocked!
Smtp.gmail.com was correct for me as well as the other settings given by gmail. Hope this helps- was driving me nuts!! I just obtained the WCB541W wireless camera, B Series Robot according to the manual and have it operating reasonably well.
I want to use it to see wildlife in the back yard. I cannot figure out how to use the wireless option, so I don’t have to run an Ethernet cable out to the deck. I did see something about Port Forwarding but do not understand what that is all about. Some of the terms are not quite understandable to me. My Internet router does not have WAN, only, LAN. I have a wifi scanner and can see my own router signal and a couple of my neighbors signals but not the camera signal.
Also, I am concerned about security with admin and 123456, it is not at all secure. I also had to disable the Firewall in my Vista PC to set up this camera. That I am no happy about. I want to use this PC only for the camera but concerned about it becoming a Bot since it will be online a lot.
It does have AVG free and is kept up to date. The router has a Firewall. As an aside, my regular desktop and Laptop are Linux based and can see the camera with no problem which I figured they would.
Yes, I know, the camera is not for Linux. Thanks for any help and links if you are really busy. Rich in Massachusetts. Hi rich i try to help you with your problems stated above: 1.) portforwarding is for sending a port inside your lan to the wan interface, so it can be accessed from inside. F.e.: (camera inside lan) can be portforwarded to 87.82. (external ip, made it up myself!), someone on the internet can access your cam with typing 87.82. Into the browser!
2.) wireless lan on your cam is no hotspot, it is just a client like a notebook or cellphone. You have to join the wireless lan from your wireless router to be able to access it wirelessly! 3.) the standard admin account and password can be changed! See my tutorial of setup in this blog 4.) browsers are not really dependant on operating systems. Though there are differences with firefox and interent explorer concerning this cam.
I teach older people how to use computer so i might have an edge in explaining stuff to rich. First let’s talk about enabling wireless. Your camera is wifi enabled. Which means it can connect to a wifi router. Since you have it working via an ethernet cable, the camera already has an IP Address and is on your LAN. Connect to your camera using the browser of your choice and then navigate to the the NETWORK tab. On the right hand side you will see a menu option for Wireless Settings.
Once inside the wireless settings, click on scan to display all the wireless SIDs in your area. Select yours and enter the various options for your wifi settings then hit submit. One thing to pay attention to is the KEY FORMAT. Make sure it is ASCII if you are entering an english phrase for the network key or hexadecimal if your network key is in hex. Also make sure to select the right value (64 bit or 128 bit ) for your key. Once the webcam restarts you can disconnect the ethernet cable and access the camera via wifi.
Now let’s talk about port forwarding. You router is your gateway to the world. The addresses on the inside of the router that begin with 198.162.are only for your own home. They are not visible to the outside world. If you go to it will tell you the IP address of your router.
Let’s say it is 96.345.32.43. When you are away from your home and you enter into your browser, it will bring you to your router. But then what? Your router has nearly 65000 doors in it. They are called ports. The traffic comes to your router and then needs to know which door to enter thru. If you didn’t change the camera settings from default, the camera has a web server running on port 80.
So instead of you say – you specified the address and the door through which you can gain entry. Just one problem – the webserver is running on the camera. Not at the router.
Which means the traffic that came to port 80 on your router needs to be forwarded to port 80 on your camera (which has an ip address of say, This is exactly what port forwarding does. In your router settings, you specify that any incoming traffic to say port xxxx, should be forwarded to a device that is inside your home on the same port., i.e.
Your IP camera. I did try chrome and firefox both.
I am getting “cannot connect” in both. I know that IE requires an active x but when i tried IE on my home computer it brought me to a page that has three options – mode1 IE (provides download link for the activeX) mode2 (chrome, firebox etc) mode 3 (mobile) But when i use IE from work it is not showing me the first page where i can download the activeX. It just says you need a software that is not installed. I have tried using both the ip:portnumber as well as ddns urls. I am trying to do the same thing as well. I finally got my port forwarding to work.
Turns out it was because I was on a 3G stick and it does not get assigned an external IP address. I ended up signing up for new internet.
I now want to set up multiple cameras in the same LAN/router. Any idea on how to do it? I tried using the IP Camera Centralization software on the CD and it does not seem to work. My questions are: 1) I am assuming I need a different internal IP for the second camera, correct?
2) I am assuming I need to use the same port (8080 or whatever), correct? 3) When I go to the “view” panel, should I see multiple cameras there (i.e. Under one IP/port address) or should I use a different port for the other camera? Or how is this set up? My internet currently gets IP assigned via DHCP. How do I get it static (per your suggestion above) so that I can use both cameras?
Ok.i solved the one problem that i had mac filtering on and did not realize the wireless had it’s own mac address. I turned off mac filtering and now i see the light blink faster when disconnected from the wired.but.i still cannot pull up the wansview page when unpluggedbut can if i plug the lan cable back in. The wireless wants to pull anoter IP address when in dhcp mode.when i force same IP for both, same thingwired works and flashes slowunplugged does not work but light flashes twice as fast. What am i doing wrong!! @Curtis Willis: I had a similar problem – wired worked but wireless didn’t. I needed to change my wifi router’s mode, which I think I had on “N” only. The camera only works with B/G at 2.4MHz I think.
Regarding the “Subnet doesn’t match” error message, it means that the camera is not on the same subnet as your router. is your subnet.mask., not your subnet. Some routers default to the 192.168.1.xxx subnet, whereas the camera defaults to 192.168.0.xxx. This will result in a subnet mismatch. If your router is on 192.168.1.xxx you need to put the cam on the same subnet, e.g. Hope this helps. Hey everybody!
First congrats on this threat! It’s the best on WansView Cameras! And as others said befor, support from the official sites or from so called “manuals” is almost equal to none! That said i would like to share some remarks with the community. I own 2 devices which i bought recently on Amazon. One is the standard NZB-541W an one is the outdoor version NCB-543W and i am planning to buy 2 more cause i am (as far as for the moment) widely satisfied with the relation between price and functionallity. I payed 49,99€ and 64,99€ which was the cheapest price i could find anywhere!
Even on ebay you do not get IP-Cams with PT(Z) cheaper! So in my eyes the price is beating almost anything!
An honestly, for that price you can’t get more! Okay Here we go for the remarks and my questions: – Unfortunately explications how to configure Network are not clear but i have to say that once you get the idea how networking works, configuring the camera should not be a problem at all!
(all those network devices always look the same for configurations =) but for people not used to it or not into networks it might apear difficult!) – As already said, WLan only works when RJ45 cable is unpluged! – Configuration always needs to be done completly with as much details for an optimal working and this counts for all the things already mentioned before (i did the same testing before i found this page so i can confirm various stuff: FTP, SMTP always relies on the DNS so if your network is misconfigured your camera might not behave perfectly, which in my eyes is absolutely understandable!) – I have tried everything and did not get the WLan encryption to work! Tried everything! Did anybody get that working? I tried with 4 different routers: Logilink (not a common brand), a Linksys WRT160N v2 (not the WRT160NL so it has the standard firmware) and 4 different Linksys WRT54GL (running different firmwares – OpenWRT, DD-WRT, Freifunk and standard Firmware) I tried with Vlan’s and without, but unfortunately i did not get it to work! So that’s the only bad thing i can report on the cam’s.
Currently i am using MAC Addresses for Security but i was hoping anybody could help me! I realised some people here seemed to have the same problems with their WLan but no good answer came up. So i am hoping that if anybody is our there who has a solution, i would love to hear about (or if you got it working at your place tell me about) Thanks in advance and i will check in again here! Greetings from Luxembourg Patrick. Naiboo, man looks as your a great resource, I just got the wansview NCB541W. I was able to set it up in my network, set it up on my wireless network also. The problem is I cannot find a way to log in from the internet to see it.
I have a Mac and ATT Uverse for my internet. I will admit port forwarding and all the terminology has me confused. I spent hours playing with settings on my router, and on the wansview software. I cannot see the camera from outside my network. Any help would be so great. I tried the xxxxxx.nwsvr.com address but does not connect.
I tried the ip address however that will not allow me to connect. What am i doing wrong or should do? DHCP, thats it. You dynamically give away ip adresses by the router to devices. Read this: that is called DHCP and works as intended. You´ve to check at the router which ip adress the webcam gets or you give it a fixed ip adress, how to find out what ip youve got? - lets assume you´ve got on your pc ip adress then you give the webcam something close to it, like, subnetmask and gateway same as in your pc!
Or checkout my other blog entry about static dhcp on my router and try to do that on yours too. Naiboo Great information here. I’ve been using 5 of these cams for over a year here on our farm and they work well with no problem viewing from our differnt machines xp pro, vista, win 7 until now. We just got a new laptop with win 7 and tried viewing the cams with IE 9 (like our other win 7 laptop have and view ok) and no video but I can get to all the config pages with no problem. I installed the active x the first time I went to the cam as it instructs and have tried to reinstall it but no luck. The mobile view works ok though any ideas on how to fix this problem? Found that DVMIPCam2 control wasn’t listed in the addons list but DVMIPCam2.ocx was in c:/windows/syswow64.
So I tried loading it again. It would start the download but not completely finish the install. I had to totally disable Norton’s 360 in order for it to load.
This was strange as I didn’t have to do this on any other of our machines and I couldn’t find any settings that were different in the machines with them side by side in either IE9 or Norton’s 360. It appears to be working fine now though. Thanks for your assistance. Hello, naiboo you have allot of knowledge on this, i hope you can help me out too. Yesterday i bout this camra.
Put it up and it worked fine on my laptop by going on via my google chrome, and it asked me for my id and password i entered that and it loged in. I used third option to use for browser and my camra came on. I could use it tilt it and every thing fine.
I even got it on my mobile android. But tonight i have been trying to put it back on and its not working at all via bseries.exe it shows the camra and its ip adress and stuff but when i put it in the browser nothing comes up. Browser says error.
That adress could not be found. And when i try the software that came in the cd. When i search it.
After adding it when i double click on the name it says starting up. And then error message video cannot be started.
Camra green light is blicking abou 2 per second. Now i don all the reset thing, and it does get reset as when search it in bseries.exe it shows up and when i add the id and password it uses the default one and the ip and stuff it shows are the defualt ones but i cant get video feed from it. That plugin doesn’t seem to work, but there is a VLC multimedia plugin for Firefox, or one can use VLC directly. The audio issue has nothing directly to do with active-x, but the stream that’s requested. If I use (which defaults to videostream.cgi) I get video and controls in a browser but no audio. Changing to gives you a stream format (Windows Media Format) that’s compatible with VLC (either directly or via a plugin) and includes the audio, but lacks controls. As a test I brought up VLC for the video/audio, then the.cgi in a browser window that I shrunk to show only the controls.
With VLC controls I can easily stream this to a file. As others have reported, the audio is rather noisy, especially with the older software versions. Now, if I made an app that manages the controls and spawns VLC for the video/audio, I’d have it all, and there seems to be enough api info available to do that.
With VLC you have more control over how the stream is handled. However, watch your settings there.
It took awhile before I realized the cache default gave me a nearly 20 sec delay on the image. I had walked back to the computer then saw myself walking in the other roomand there’s image adjustment and even motion detection built into VLC. I’m watching the cat litter box and each time a dog goes near it, he’s outlined in a white rectangle.
A great way to teach them they can’t sneak behind your back, and you nab them just as they are about to. After much frustration I finally got my NCB541W working wirelessly. Now I’m trying to figure out how to pull up the image from another computer or phone, and could use some help. I’m using a TP-Link TL-WR841ND wireless router with a DHCP ISP. So, I have the router set on Dynamic IP for the WAN connection type.
In the camera’s network settings, I have “Use UPnP to Map Port” checked. I’m using port 8080. From what I’ve gathered from reading this page and other websites, my next step is to bind the IP and MAC.
Wanscam E View 7 Problem
In my router, I have “Address Reservation” under the DHCP settings, but there’s “IP & MAC Binding” further down the list with a tab of its own, too. So I’m not sure which of those to use. Also, all the IP & MAC addresses are confusing me.
My camera’s default IP ends in 175, but under “DHCP Client List” in my router, it’s showing an IP ending in 102. Then, I can go down to that “IP & MAC Binding” tab, where it shows an “ARP List”, and the camera’s default IP is listed there (unbound), but the MAC address out beside it is totally different than the one shown beside the camera under the “DHCP Client List” mentioned above. Can I start by saying what a fantastic resource you have made here. I’m sure I speak for eveyone, when I say “Thank You!
For all your time and effort”. Now the question, I want to use this as a weather cam, and display the picture on my website (updated once a minute or so).
In addition I want to send it to weatherunderground as a still every 5 mins. (I have the software to do that as part of my weather software). But I am confused by all this ddns stuff and having to upload to their own website to view. Is what I want to do possible with this camera? Or do I HAVE to go to their website to view it?
Many thanks and have a nice Christmas and New Year Woody. Wow – brilliant info. Thank you so much. It was your post that made me aware I couldn’t access the admin functions through Ethernet with the supplied Ethernet cable as it wasn’t an cross over one. I’m stuck at the next bit though.
My routers default to the 192.168.1.xxx subnet, whereas the camera defaults to 192.168.0.xxx. Which is presumably why when I enter the WiFi details it isn’t showing up on my device list? So I’ve tried to change the camera’s IP address – it starts to reboot and counts down but just stops at 0 and the interface stops working.
I’ve assumed I needed to change my Ethernet IP address and log on under the new IP – but that doesn’t work. It still doesn’t show up wirelessly on the router either – so all I seem to be able to do is reset the camera and start again Same thing occur’s if I click the assign IP box – the reboot appears to stop and I can’t progress any further. Any help would be hugely appreciated!
I’ve made some progress;D I have managed to change the IP subnet on the camera to match the router – I think it must be a browser issueI changed to Firefox, and then switched the IP details and rebooted the camera as before – changed the direct Ethernet connection IP and logged in under the new IP – only this time it worked. At the moment it still isn’t showing up on the router though – And I’ve read it may be that it doesnt work on 802.11n – only on b/g. Is that correct or am I missing something else I wonder? If you don’t mind Naiboo, may i interject. Pini37 – First of all open the command menu and run the ipconfig command. The output of ipconfig should match your settings above. Next, try to ping If you don’t get the ping response that means you are not communicating with the camera.
If it’s a laptop, disable wifi so that you don’t have an active wifi connection. I have noticed that if i have a working wifi on my laptop, communication via the lan port, even if it is setup correctly, does not work.
More progress and more frustrations. I tried an old router and sure enough the camera showed up on the device list So having managed to change the IP by changing browser, and found the wifi protocol was the problem in connecting I used the dos prompt to telnet into the router and turn off ‘n’ wifi – and bingo the camera logged in. All seemed promising as I could now access the device through my wifi – so the plan was start to set up the port forwarding and the mobile app I’d bought for it. However a few hours later I could no longer log in – it had lost the wifi, so I tried the cable and couldn’t get in with that – so Reset and then I’m in. I start to rebuild the settings – except now it can’t find any wireless networks.? There is mine and my neighbours, but it can’t find any?
Now having felt like I’d jumped all the hurdles – got it working and then lose access!? I’m thinking its a flakey / faulty item unless someone can point me in an alternative direction? Hi Naiboo, this is an incredible help page, but I’m stuck at the top. I’m using a MacBook Air so I can’t connect directly to the camera; Connecting the camera to my router shows active lights but I can’t find the IP of the camera using an IP Scanner utility and using the default.178 times out in my browser (Firefox).
The DDNS on the bottom of the camera just tells me account xxxxx is offline but I guess that’s because I haven’t setup port forwarding. When I try I get a different subnet with DUT LAN IP error. I’m using an Arris router from Comcast. After 3 long days of toiling to get my new NCB541W wansview IP cam to work, I had stupidly forgot one thing and it was the thing drivind me crazy.DUH!!!!For all you newbies and wanna be newbies listen closely.
YOU CANNOT reach YOUR internet address from the SAME address.I thought my setup wasnt working until i visited my local laundromat and THEIR WIFI Setup was a breeze though. I have a Frontier based DSL router model B90. Heres the port forwarding details. OH I almost forgot.I did use the crossover cable way to setup everything at first just to get it operational and then switched to wireless WITH the cable unplugged. I was then able to acess it over the local lans IP to finish up the rest. It has to be wirelessly visibl to the router so it can pick it up and for you to select it under DMZ host in the setup.
I did not use UPNP on the camera. But do use it in the router. Camera gets it IP address automatically Have no-ip.org setup to resolve the ip name and voila!!!!
Shame it doesnt have a setup for no-ip.org in the firmware of the cam tho!!! Happy caming. Im running 2 seperate wireless networks, running a local apartment Music server with WIndows media player over one of these, A Belkin sumthn r other wireless router which is not connected with the internet or a modem directly “for to say” but just serves as a wirless access hub for the building and my neighbors to access a 1TB drive full of Mp3s-Video-Movies and such. It is connected actually through the main hub with cable and I can access it over the Lan. I have a mass of computers running with cable through 1 single multi port hub sharing again with cable thru the Netgear router on the Lan, which is the net gateway or WAN connection to which all requests or traffic flows to aand fromOne machine handles various remote cams and webcams for security around MY apartment only. Some cams connected with up to 60ft USB repeater cables that work good.
I HATE METHHEAD THIEVES!!I call My setup “OZ”.Have for yearsa wonderfull IP nitemare!!!!! But it works very well after you beat your brains and get it rightEventuallyI found many good PDF format articles and a few programs to do with IP and net routing on.P.I.R.A.T.E. BAY.((carefull there)).was very usefull.BUT!!! THIS SITE IS THE BESTEST BY FAR.Had to plug ya there Naiboo!!My next project is an FTP file server, instead of using THE CLOUD!! Not so sure bout that! Maybe My own connstructed SITE!!.Sorry for all the postsHad a lot to say i guess.
Thanks for the help, however, I am still struggling. I am using a Mac mini. I was able to set up the camera by changing the Ethernet settings in network settings, and when I put in Safari, the camera could see.
I went to the wireless settings on the camera’s program, scanned and saw the two WIFI networks I have in the house and I clicked on one and typed in my password and rebooted the camera. I disconnected the Ethernet cable. I unplugged the camera and rebooted browser. I am not able to see camera using My system is UVERSE 2WIRE router, so I looked in the router and I did see a device called “ipcam” with the MAC numbers matching the camera (NCB451W), but the address was, and the router says that device is “disabled” when I look on the router table for wireless devices. I am not able to call the camera up with that address. Can you point me to the next troubleshooting step?
But right now, my problem is building a wireless network. The camera lists my wifi networks when I scan. I click the named network and type in the password and reboot the camera. When I detach the camera from the ethernet, I am unable to find the camera on the network.
In the router, I see a device called “ipcam” that has the MAC address in the title. It also has an IP address But when I look at the details for that device in the router, it says that it is “disconnected”. What should I be doing to get the camera on the wireless network?
Dave on 16 Feb 2013 gave the right clue. The CD-ROM program BSearchen.exe (V12.0.2.29) will find the camera but only reports the wired MAC, starting 78-a5-dd.
That is an IEEE OUI assigned to the company Shenzhen Smarteye. The WiFi MAC starts 48-02-2a which is assigned to B-Link, another company located nearby in Shenzhen. The only way to discover the WiFi MAC is to use a WiFi that allows all MACs (not good security) and I had a problem until I also turned the SSID broadcast on. (That’s not good practice either.) Once I got the correct MAC into my Cisco router I resumed my security practice and now the camera gets into the net OK. Time will tell how well it does on power outage recovery and other messy situations.
Now my concern is that the NCB-543W camera died after a couple of hours in the dark, i.e., the IR LEDs were on. The room was 68F, case was quite warm, and I suspect a major heat problem someplace inside. Outside in the summer heat will be the real test. I’m a little frustrated. After three weeks of a trial outdoor wifi run, which went OK, I went to set a new device name and password. The camera continued to operate afterwards ie, it sent e-mails on motion detection, and there were no grumbles from the camera as I made the change, but I was unable to log in.
Thinking I had a made typo I dragged the camera inside (so I could hard-wire it) and went thru the reset process. When admin and 123456, and wifi, were again operational I entered my chosen device name and p/w again.
So I restored admin, etc., once more and returned the camera to the outside location, low security notwithstanding. Does anyone have any idea what the requirements for device name and p/w are? Trial and error is not very much fun.
My new choice name was had nine mixed case letters with an embedded period – as one might use for an e-mail name. The new p/w was a mix of upper and lower case letters and numerals. Nothing unusual. Hi Naiboo You seem to be an expert with the 541 – perhaps you can help, I’ve googled around and haven’t found a decent solution. I have managed to set up the camera over wifi, and can access it from the internet, so all is well there.
I am trying to set up recording to local drive triggered by motion. In the ‘Alarm’ tab of the web interface I check “Local Record on View”, and I have set a path.
– when I have the ‘view’ open, it records on motion detect – when the ‘view’ is not open it will not record Is this a bug, or is there another setting I have missed, or something else I need to tweak? Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
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