Programs In 8085 Microprocessor Palindrome
tweetmeme source=”lolexf” onlysingle=falsecurrently: feeling: sleepy listening: god is an astronaut – all is violent, all is bright // all is violent, all is bright watching: bleach 262 season 14 episode 7 – haineko cries! The tragic sword fiend reading: the newspaper – its sunday, and i’m up before noon to post this. Appreciate my sacrifice. Today you get to see my program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Quite simple really. Code: LDA 2500 DCR A LXI H, 2100 XCHG LXI H, 2100 MOV C, A label1: INX D DCR C JNZ LABEL 1 MOV C, A label2: MVI A, 01H STA 2501 MOV A, M XCHG MOV B, M XCHG INX H DCX D DCR C JZ EXIT CMP B JNC LABEL 2 MVI A,00H STA 2501 exit: HLT note: in order for the program to run correctly, the length of the string has to be stored in address location 2500. The string itself is stored in address location 2100 onwards – at the rate of one digit per address location.
If the given string is a palindrome, the value 01 is stored in address location 2501, else 00 is stored. Next: 8085 programming part 4 – sort into descending order lolex.
Microprocessor 8085 Book

Microprocessor 8085 Program
List of Assembly Language Programs for 8085 & 8086 Microprocessor with code, algorithms and flowcharts. Includes ALP to add, subtract, compare, move, palindrome numbers and data. Select category. Title: 8086 Assembly Program to print String “Hello World, Good Morning, Have Good Day” in 3 different lines.
Microprocessor 8085 Instruction Set
Cardiak flatline drum kit rarity youtube. This is an 8086 program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not. If you have any doubts, please let me know.MODEL SMALL.DATA MSG DB 'ENTER A STRING:','$' INP DB 100,0,100 DUP('$') MSG2 DB 0AH, 0DH,'PALINDROME','$' MSG3 DB 0AH, 0DH,'NOT A PALINDROME','$'.CODE START: MOV AX,@DATA MOV DS,AX LEA DX,MSG MOV AH,09H INT 21H LEA DX,INP MOV AH,0AH INT 21H LEA SI,INP LEA DI,INP MOV CX,0000H CONT: MOV AL,DI+02H CMP AL,0DH JE L1 INC CX INC DI JMP CONT L1: DEC DI L2: MOV AL,DI+02H CMP SI+02H,AL JNE NP INC SI DEC DI LOOP L2 P: LEA DX,MSG2 MOV AH,09H JMP LAST NP: LEA DX,MSG3 MOV AH,09H LAST:INT 21H.EXIT END START.