Glitter Bot Seafight Bigpoint
Similar Threads It's a feature or bug? I need 150 pearls to repair sail and I cound't find any. I pick 100 or more glitters. Int2 8 Replies - Seafight Hello, Bigpoint reimplanted Invisible Glitters, Becare on when you use Shiny Bot a friend got banned 7 days as he was collecting Shiny's MANUALLY. 5 Replies - Seafight any have bot for glitters free?
2 Replies - Seafight sam one know or have bot for glitters? 4 Replies - Seafight Hello guys i really need a seafight glitters autocollector please 0 Replies - Seafight.
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- Jul 5, 2017 - lellu85 Forum-Apprentice. Yes, this would be very nice idea. And if you collect example 30 glitters without doing nothing else (shoot boat or kill monster) you will lose what you have, this way botters wouldnt have that much advantage. Altough i dont know how smart thos bot programs are:/ lellu85, Aug 22.