Quartal Jazz Piano Voicings Pdf
So What Chord Voicing Tutorial The ‘So What’ chord is a quartal chord voicing which means it is made of a stack of perfect fourth intervals. Unlike a pure quartal voicing, the So What chord has a major third interval on top. Introduced by the pianist Bill Evans, the ‘So What’ chord is a modern sounding voicing that sounds great when you have a minor chord with the 5th in the melody. The So What chord voicings has many different uses. It’s great for moving in parallel and to rehmonise chord changes.
This is because stacked 4ths are harmonically ambiguous which gives you a certain degree of freedom to impose the voicing over different harmonies. In this lesson, we explore the construction of the voicing and then apply it to a number of well known jazz standards. Again great example Fred thanks for sharing!
Publisher X puts out hip charts, but they use only chord symbols for the piano. Jazz voicings? E, I can figure out the tertial textbook harmonies for chord changes, but is there any way to make these sound sophisticated? My pianist plays all chords in root. The top three voices are quartal with the 3rd and Dominant. Quartal jazz piano voicings pdf free download This book is a complete guide to the.Andy LaVerne has taken his decades of experience as a first call jazz pianist and satisfied a long awaited need by creating this comprehensive compendium of.Jazz Piano, Voicings, Jazz Harmony, Comping, Scales, Etc. Quartal jazz piano voicings.
Quartal Jazz Piano Voicings Pdf Chart
If you’re interested in exploring other types of quartal voicings, check out this lesson on pentatonic harmony: In that lesson we derive 5 quartal voicings from the pentatonic scale and explore how they can be used over a number of different chord types and qualities. This is an advanced topic and requires a lot of ‘heavy lifting’ to become familiar with the shapes and sounds.
Once you have practiced this stuff you will gain a lot of harmonic freedom as you can use these voicings in many different places. Cheers, Hayden.