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五、选择生成solidworks 2013的新安装:. Solidworks, 2013, SolidWorks 2013 includes over 200 new features and enhancements covering the entire range of Sol. Flow Simulation/
Downloading Power Surfacing Power Surfacing Release 4.2 & RE 4.2 Release 4.1 of Power Surfacing and Power Surfacing RE was released on May 19, 2017. Version 4.2 released October 20, 2017.
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Version 4.2.6 released January 8, 2018 (fixed issue converting some models & constraining to weldments). Power Surfacing is a new modeling paradigm so we highly recommend watching the prior to using the software. Important Note: Make sure to Run as Administrator when you install Power Surfacing (also the first time you run SolidWorks after installing Power Surfacing). You should right click on the SolidWorks executable (SLDWorks.exe) and choose 'Run as Administrator' from the drop down menu. This needs to be done the first time you run SolidWorks after installing Power Surfacing. Important Note: Power Surfacing RE is an extension of the Power Surfacing Standard product. Please note that the demo will include all tools from both products.
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SolidWorks® Version: Installation File.