Squid 2.6 Patch Access.log
Squid 2.5 is really very old and fewer and fewer will be using it in the future as even Squid 2.6 becomes obsolete with the release of Squid 3.0. So if you are considering setting up a new proxy server using squid please use Squid 2.6 and take a look at how to set up digest authentication in squid 2.6.
Miroslav Suchý 2009-05-14 06:20:40 EDT This bug was initially created as a clone of Description of problem: 4/24.1 recreate 1. Install cmd line proxy w/ selinux enforcing 2. Check /var/log/squid access log missing install w/ selinux permissive access.log is there - Additional comment from on 2009-04-27 15:25:54 EDT - ignore the above selinux comments. Additional comment from on 2009-04-27 16:11:25 EDT - in rhel4 /var/log/squid/access.log is a default option and does not need to be in the squid.conf file. Thomas 'Shea' DeAntonio 2017-07-05 11:22:35 EDT As you may already be aware, Red Hat is transitioning from the Red Hat Network (RHN) hosted interface to the Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM) interface in July 2017.
Red Hat has invested in and seen success from RHN for many years, and used that experience to build more robust technologies like RHSM. If you have not yet migrated your RHN systems to RHSM or you are a Red Hat Satellite customer, please review the information from.

Since we are shutting down RHN, no further actions will be taken with this bug or enhancement request. You can find additional information at RHSM product page. If you have further questions, please contact support.
From: unixware Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 04:40:55 -0700 (PDT) and (patch ) compile Fedora 2 kernel-2.6.5-1.358 with the given below command and it generates many errors and warning. These gcc lines wont work on kernel 2.6 here the way which Henrik have suggested A quick investigation of Linux-2.6 build model showed that the following simple procedure works for compiling ipwccp for your kernel: 1.
Squid Access Log
Build and test your kernel. This is required in order to correcly build additional modules.
Squid Log Location
Create a directory somewhere and place the ipwccp.c file in this directory. In the same directory create a file named 'Makefile' with the following content: obj-m += ipwccp.o 4.
Squid Access Log Format
Compile the module by running the following from the top of the kernel tree: make M=/path/to/above/directory modules modulesinstall 5. Update module dependencies by running depmod -a 6. Load the module modprobe ipwccp The above is tested on Fedora Core 2, but should work on any Linux-2.6 based system. A big improvement from Linux-2.4. How to build extra modules without first compiling and testing your kernel is possible but is outside the scope of this document as it is very distribution dependent and not how things are supposed to be done. Do you Yahoo!? Mail is new and improved - Check it out!
Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 05:40:57 MDT.