Vista Inspirant Downloads
Vista Inspirat Wikipedia
BricoPack Vista Inspirat is a free pack which modifies the file system of Windows XP so that its new appearance is close to that of Windows Vista. Rewarded by numerous magazines, Vista Inspirat BricoPack is the the most studied and succeeded solution to change simply and quickly the visual aspect of Windows XP.
Give your Windows ® theme style with Windows XP icon packs You can install the following Windows XP icon packs with the help of AVG Styler. AVG Styler is included in the current AVG tuneup product. Clicking on the categories listed below brings up various Windows XP icon packs. Click on an image to see an enlarged preview. Clicking on 'Download' downloads the file and you can then display it in AVG Styler. If AVG Styler is not displayed automatically, you can start the program manually.
Click on 'System elements' within the 'Icons' category and then on the 'Icon packs.' Click on 'Add' in the window that pops up and select the file you have downloaded by clicking on 'Load icon package' from file.