Completely Remove Lexmark Drivers
Completely Remove Lexmark 2400 Series Lexmark 2400 Series is a helpful third-party software that provides computer users with many useful features and tools. However, many users got difficulty and problem in uninstalling it from the computer. Impossible to completely remove a printer driver? Use this easy fix!
I'm fixing a printer over at a friends house, that has ceased to work with her computer. It's a Lexmark Z715, and wasn't working previously when I tried to get it working. I uninstalled the printer driver and attempted to reinstall it using the Lxk700 drivers for Windows XP. When I attempted to re-install the Lxk700 driver, at the end of the installation I received the following error: 'The RPC server is unavailable' After checking in System Services (Start-Control Panel-Administrative Tools-Services) and noting that the 'Print Spooler' service was stopped, I tried to start it and it said that one of the services dependencies was not running. I immediately thought of the error message 'The RPC server is unavailable' and noticed that the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC)' service was a dependency of the 'Print Spooler'.
I checked the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC)' service and noticed that it was running, and that additionally the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator' service was running as well. I tried to start the 'Print Spooler' service from the command line using the command 'net start spooler' and got the error 'system error 1068 has occured' I repaired this error by looking at and by running the command 'del /Q /F /S 'C:Windows System32 Spool Printers.' And editing the registry key HKEYLOCAL MACHINE System Current Control Set Services Spooler DependOnService Which looked like this: LexBces RPCSS and now looks like this: RPCSS I restarted the computer, I can start the print spooler just fine now. And now I get the following error when installing the print driver: 'The specified print monitor is unknown' UPDATE I got my VM with an old (but vanilla) copy of Windows XP installed on it. I couldn't get procmon working or any of the sofware suggested installed because it's only running sp0 (ie no service packs). However Regshot appears to work. So I took a Regshot before I installed the driver, and I took a Regshot after I installed the driver and then listed the comparison listed below: (Paste-bin of changes: ) So I now am wondering if there is an easier way to remove these keys than just looking for all 647 of them.
Is there some type of utility that will take a list of the keys and remove them? Yes, there is a way to remove the registry items based on the list you have. A Minus sign in front of the key will remove it. Just put in a minus sign in front of the key in the.Reg file, then import that reg file in.HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Doc Find Spec MRU Like this, The minus sign tells it to Remove the item instead of add it.
I dont remember why the braces are used or if that is nessisary. The items that are strictly User based S-1-5-8091-1003 Will not be the same on a different computer, because of the ID of the user will likely be different. But it is not a big problem Your still going to want a backup, and might have to be somewhat selective on removal. I have only used the minus sign when I want to completly tear something out.
Soo, I dont know if you can JUST put it in front of all the items in the reg list there and do that.
Unplug the USB cable from the back of your unit. Go to Apple - System Preferences - Print & Fax. Select your printer listed on the left pane of the window and click the minus (-) button. Delete the files/folders from the following from the HD. To find this folder, Select 'Go' from the Finder Menu and select 'Go to Folder.'
Type the following: /Library (Some files may not be present depending on the version of the driver installed): Macintosh HD - Library/Caches/DPxxxFilter.log or LXxxxFilter.log. Macintosh HD - Library/Printers/Lexmark/Frameworks/prdrhpec.framework Macintosh HD - Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/DPxx.ppd. or CL900.ppd. Macintosh HD - Library/Printers/Primera.The xx indicates the name of this file can vary depending on the model of Primera printer you have installed.
Select 'Go' from the Finder Menu and select 'Go to Folder.' Type the following: /usr/libex/cups/filter 6. Delete the following files: commandtoDPxxx. / cammandtoLXxx.
rastertoDPxxx. / rastertoLXxx.The xx indicates the name of this file can vary depending on the model of Primera printer you have installed.
Remove Lexmark Drivers
Select 'Go' from the Finder Menu and select 'Go to Folder.' Type the following: /private/var/db/receipts/ Delete the following files: / com.primera.driver.DPxxx.plist. / com.primera.driver.LXxxx.plist.This indicates the name of this file can vary depending on the model of Primera printer you have installed. Go to Macintosh Hard Drive – Library – Receipts. In here there will likely be a receipt corresponding to your printer.
For example, an LX900 Color Label Printer might have a receipt package called Driver LX900v1.0.pkg. Look for any driver receipts and delete them. Go to Macintosh HD -Library – Preferences – ByHost - and delete the file: “com.Apple.Print.Cache.00xxxxxxx.plist” (Note: On Mac 10.7 and 10.8 the User Library is a Hidden Folder. You will need to go to Go - Go to Folder. Type in /Library/ to access this hidden folder.) 10. Delete any Primera driver installers you might have saved to your desktop or any other location on your Mac.
Completely Uninstall Driver
Download your printer drivers from the following link. Follow the onscreen instructions to install your printer drivers and add your printer to Print & Fax under System Preferences. Article Details Views: 9753 Created on: May 24, 2014.